


來源: 作者: 發(fā)布日期:2018-01-25 訪問次數(shù):6236







Medium rich CO2 streams (PSA off-gas) generated from various syn-gas processes typically found in reine-ries and petrochemical complexes, is a new alternative for production of food grade CO2.

Utilising an innovative process, combining conventional extraction and liquefaction technologies, the new Flash CO2 process ( patent pending) eliminates the requirement for steam-stripping while still keeping power consumption at attractive levels, subsequently reducing the high production cost usually associated with extraction of food grade CO2 from medium rich sources. 

CO2 is recovered downstream the PSA, eliminating any interference with the SMR process, making it suitable for implementation in both existing and new SMR plants. 

After extracting CO2 from the PSA off-gas, the off-gas can be returned to the SMR plant and used as fuel, or further treatment can be introduced to purify the waste gases, thereby providing a solution for de-bottle-necking of existing SMR plants.

The plant is fully automated, equipped with advanced automation technology, which enables remote  operation and guarantees continuous and safe operation 。

Standard plant capacities range from 1- 25 Tons/hour. Other capacities available on request.



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