

  二氧化碳回收工廠(CBU)是以各種燃料如柴油、重油、煤油、天然氣通過燃燒、洗滌、吸收、解析、分離等工藝技術(shù)完成的。系統(tǒng)采用集中控制,確證系統(tǒng)安全、穩(wěn)定,所有儀器、儀表都預裝在殼塊內(nèi),便于運輸 、減少現(xiàn)場安裝、調(diào)試時間。

  二氧化碳回收工廠產(chǎn)量:25-1000 kg/hr,其他產(chǎn)量另行設計。




  電:400 KW/H
  高錳酸鉀:0.44 kg/hr
  冷卻水:1.50 m3/hr
  水洗塔水消耗:0.01 m3/hr


CO2 Generating Plant (CBU) is based on combustion of various fossil fuels such as diesel oil, heavy oil, kerosene or natural gas. Through appropriate combustion, scrubbing, absorbing, stripping and separation technology.The plants are supplied with a control panel, which ensures continuous trouble-free operation. All instruments installed on the skids are wired to junction boxes prior to shipment and thus reducing installation and commissioning time on site.CO2 Generating Plant Standard Sizes: 25-1000 kg/hr-other sizes available on request.

The plant is based on combustion in the MEA heater unit. By means of washing with soda lye in a flue gas,Scrubber the flue gas is cooled and any sulphur dioxide is removed. From the flue gas scrubber, the flue gas is led through the absorber by means of an exhauster where the CO2 content of the flue gas is absorbed in a MEA (Monoethanolamine) solution. The gas residue is exhausted. The CO2 rich MEA solution is preheated in the rich/lean solution heat exchanger before it is pumped to the stripper where by further heating CO2 is released. The stripped lean MEA solution is led from the stripper through the rich/lean solution heat exchanger and the MEA cooler back to the absorber.

The CO2 gas is cooled in a gas cooler cleaned in a potassium permanganate(PPM) scrubber and led to theCO2 compressor, which compresses the gas in two stages to approx. 16 bar(g).To allow condensation the CO2 gas is dried in a dehydrator to a dew point of abt. -60℃. The CO2 is then passed through a carbon filter for removal of odors.The purified and dried gas is condensed in a multitube heat exchanger at a temperature of about-30℃.

The matching refrigeration plant is equipped with an freon compressor. The refrigeration plant maintains the correct operating pressure in the CO2 condenser.

The liquid deep-cooled CO2 is led to an insulated CO2 storage tank.
Capacity 40TPD
Power Total Connected 400 KWH
Chemicals(KMnO4) 0.44 kg/hr
Cooling water Evaporation Loss {@ 32 ℃(2.5-3.0 kg/cm2(g) &600m3/hr} 1.50 m3/hr
Make-Up Water for CO2 Scrubber 0.01 m3/hr

Note: Steam@4-5 bar(g) at a temperature of 170-180 Cwill be required@2,100kg for 1 hour.


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