


來源: 作者: 發(fā)布日期:2018-01-25 訪問次數(shù):5303





CO2 Generating Plants(CBU)are based on combustion of various fossile fuels such as diesel oil, heavy oil, kerosene or natural gas.Through appropriate combustion, scrubbing, stripping and separation technology the CO2 Generating Plants meet the strictest CO2 quality requirements regardless of the fuel type.

The plants are supplied with a control panel, which ensures continuous trouble-free operation. All instruments installed on the skids are wired to junction boxes prior to shipment and thus reducing installation and commissioning time on site.

CO2 Generating Plant Standard Sizes:145 kg/hr, 285 kg/hr,500 kg/hr and 1000 kg/hr-other sizes available on request.



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