


來源: 作者: 發(fā)布日期:2018-01-25 訪問次數(shù):4918





CO2 rich off gases are found in various processes in the petrochemical industry. Utilizing this often readily available and highly concentrated CO2 source for production of food grade CO2 or CO2 to be used as feedstock for other petrochemical processes, can greatly enhance the economics of the process.

Through advanced scrubbing, filtration, and separation technologies, a CO2 recovery plant can process CO2 which meet the strictest CO2 quality requirements.
The customized skid mounted modular design, offers cost and time efficient engineering, construction and installation.

The plant is fully automated, equipped with advanced automation technology, which enables remote operation and secures continuous and safe operation.

CO2 can also be recovered from other industrial sources such as naphtha or methane steam reformers, high pressure wells, ammonia and urea plants, methanol plants, ethylene oxide plants, bio ethanol plants as well as other CO2 rich sources.



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